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Export Deliveries list
Updated over a year ago

To work with Deliveries information in a dedicated tool or other third-party apps, you can export information as a comma-separated values (.CSV) file.

To export the Deliveries list to a CSV file, do the following steps.

  1. In the left navigation bar, click Deliveries.

  2. On the upper-right portion of the Deliveries screen, click Export CSV.

  3. Depending on the size of your Deliveries list, the generated CSV will appear in the Downloads section shortly. Click the generated CSV to download it to your computer. If prompted by a browser dialog, choose to save the file.


Export CSV of sorted/filtered rows

What you see in your list view gets exported onto a CSV file. Before exporting the list, you can also apply sorting or filters so that the information in the CSV file are sorted and/or reduced to just the data that you want to see.

See Sort deliveries or Filter deliveries for more information.

Tags: Delivery - Export Deliveries list to CSV

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