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View contracts
Updated over a year ago

Contracts in AgriDigital Onfarm allows you to keep track of purchase or sale agreements you have made with other organizations.

Contracts can be accessed from the left navigation bar by clicking Contracts.

View contract details

In the Contracts screen, you can see all contracts and their corresponding color-coded status.

You can click an item in the Contracts list to see its details.


Parts of a contract

All contracts in AgriDigital Onfarm include the following information:

  1. Organization details
    This section shows your own organization name, address, a contact person, and contact details.

  2. Seller and Buyer details
    This section shows details about the contracting parties. Depending on the contract type, the counter party specified during contract creation will be marked as a seller (for purchase contracts) or as a buyer (for sale contracts).

  3. Contract number
    This is the reference number of the contract.

  4. Contract details
    This section specifies what commodity is needed, the quantity needed, and when it is needed.

  5. Terms and conditions
    This section shows other terms of the contract. Other terms are specified during contract creation.


Contracts can be downloaded or printed just as how you see it on screen (see Download or print a contract).

Tags: Contract - View contracts

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