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Mark a field as fallow
Updated over a year ago

You can tell AgriDigital Onfarm your fallow fields (paddocks) for a crop year or season so that you don't see and accidentally select them as field options when you're creating deliveries. Doing so minimizes errors when creating deliveries and ensures the accuracy of your inventory.

Grazing field
If you're yet to decide whether you will graze or harvest a field, you can set up the field with the commodity and variety and simply not create any deliveries from that field. That way, if you decide to harvest, you can readily select the field in the Delivery form at the time of harvesting. This will also ensure your record keeping for each field is accurate year on year.

To mark a field as fallow:

  1. In the left navigation bar, click Settings and then My Farms.

  2. Click the corresponding field that you want to mark as fallow.

  1. Select Fallow as a field's commodity.

  2. Click Save.

Tags: Settings - Configure - Farm-and-fields - Edit - Mark a field as fallow - Grazing crop

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