The AgriDigital Onfarm mobile app supports a large range of devices across both iOS and Android. If your device matches the specifications below, AgriDigital Onfarm will work for you.
iOS (Apple App Store)
iOS 12 running on iPhone or all versions of iPadOS for iPad
The minimum screen size supported is 4.7 inches (iPhone 6, 7 ,8) with all larger screen sizes supported. Smaller screens will run AgriDigital Onfarm, however this will be a sub-optimal experience.
Android (Google Play Store)
Android 6 is the minimum supported version on phones and tablets
The minimum screen size supported is 4.7 inches with all larger screen sizes supported. Smaller screens will run AgriDigital Onfarm however this will be a sub-optimal experience.
To access AgriDigital Onfarm on your desktop or laptop, you will need to have Google Chrome browser installed. See the Supported Browsers article for more information.
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