Buyers can generate sales tax invoices for sales contracts, which have deliveries made against them.
The platform provides two methods for sales tax invoice creation:
for an individual contract, or
for all outstanding invoices
To streamline the invoice generation process, AgriDigital automatically collates all relevant deliveries, calculates applicable taxes and draws from contract details to determine due dates and amounts payable.
For information regarding who can generate an invoice, refer here.
A tax invoice can have a maximum of one contract on it. For further information regarding the groupings of deliveries on invoices and the difference between delivery payment due dates and invoice due dates, refer to Understanding the invoice due date.
Sales tax invoice creation - Individual contract
To create an invoice for an individual contract please follow these steps:
Navigate to the Contract feature of the Transactions module on the Navigation panel. You will now be viewing the Contracts list table.
Select desired sales Contract (where the contract has associated deliveries against it). You will now be viewing the selected contract's details.
Navigate to the options drop-down menu in the top right corner of the screen and select the 'Generate Invoice' button and follow the confirmation steps.
Your invoice will now be viewable in the invoices list table.
This will generate invoices for any deliveries against that particular sale contract that have not yet been invoiced (or the invoice has been cancelled).
Sales tax invoice creation - All outstanding sales tax invoices
To create all outstanding sales tax invoices please follow these steps:
Navigate to the Invoices feature of the Transactions module on the Navigation panel. You will now be viewing the invoices list table.
Click the green, "Generate Invoice" button in the top right-hand corner and follow the confirmation steps.
Your invoice will now be viewable in the invoices list table.
This will generate invoices for any deliveries against any sale contract that have not yet been invoiced (or the invoice has been cancelled).