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Storage Delivery Types
Updated over a week ago

Relevant to: Everyone
Navigation tree: Transactions > Deliveries

AgriDigital supports an array of different Storage Delivery types.

These types are explained below:

To create a storage delivery, the Site Operator will first select a Delivery Type (Receival, Outturn, or Bin-Bin), and then select from the “Delivered To” field.

The options of the “Delivered To” field depend on the selected Delivery Type.

For example, if “Bin-Bin” is selected, then the “Delivered To” field is no longer relevant. All together, the “Delivered To” options are: Warehouse Inventory, Bulk Inventory, Grower Contract, Buyer Contract, Buyer Order, Grower Order.


Warehouse Inventory
A receival delivery into warehouse for transfer at a later date. This type was previously called Grower Receival (Warehouse).

A Grower receival delivery onto the current cash price. This delivery will be instantly transferred onto an auto-created Cash contract. This was previously called Grower Receival (Cash).

Grower Contract
A Grower receival delivery onto an existing contract that grower has with a buyer and the contract location matches the receival location. This was previously called Grower Receival (Contract).

Buyer Contract
A Buyer receival delivery onto an existing contract where the contract location matches the receival location, as well as purchase contracts with an Ex-Farm price basis. This was previously called Buyer Receival (Contract).

Bulk Inventory
A receival delivery into a bulk inventory position. This was previously called Buyer Receival (Inventory).

Grower Order
A receival delivery onto an existing Inventory-Contract Order where the Orders destination matches the receival location and the destination Contract has a Delivered Grower price basis . This was previously called Grower Receival (Order).

Buyer Order
A Buyer receival delivery onto an existing Order where the Orders destination matches the receival location. This was previously called Buyer Receival (Order).


Bulk Inventory
An out-turn delivery out of a bulk inventory position. This was previously called Buyer Outturn (Inventory).

Buyer Order
A Buyer out-turn delivery onto an existing Order where the Orders origin matches the outturn location. This was previously called Buyer Out-turn (Order):

Bin to Bin
A delivery onto an order with a bin segregation as both the origin and destination. This can be within one site or across two different sites.

Warehouse Inventory

This delivery is to out-turn warehoused inventory. Enables warehoused inventory to be returned to the Owner with shrink deducted on out-turn.

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