AgriDigital Onfarm allows you to filter Deliveries to help you find relevant information. Filtering reduces the number of items displayed in a view to just the data you want to see.
You can filter by various options:
Vehicle ID
To filter the deliveries list:
In the left navigation bar, click Deliveries.
Click the Filter icon on the right edge of the Deliveries screen to expand the Filter pane.
In the Filter pane, select the preferred filter option checkbox/es and corresponding filter data, and then click Filter.
Tip You can also filter by more than one filter option. Filters are additive, which means that each additional filter is based on the current filter and further reduces the subset of data.
Note that Field options requires that you have Farm filter option enabled first.
In the filtered list that appears, click an item to see its details (see View Deliveries).
Important Filters remain enabled unless you leave the page and come back. If you can’t locate a specific delivery you are looking for, you may want to check your filters.
Remove filters
If you want to remove a filter from a set of multiple filters, click the X mark beside it. To completely remove a filter, clear the filter option checkbox.
See also:
Tags: Delivery - Filter Deliveries