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Delivery Payment Status explained
Updated over a year ago

Note The Settlements (Invoices) module is still under private beta testing and is actively worked on by our team. Should you want to give feedback, you can click the Give Feedback widget on the bottom right of any screen in AgriDigital Onfarm.

Note This is different from Delivery Status shown in the Deliveries module, which refers to the status of physical movement of grain (see Delivery status explained).

When viewing the Paid & Unpaid section in Settlements (Invoices), you will see colored markers next to each delivery. These status indicators help you know if a particular delivery has been paid or still awaiting payment.

Updating of Delivery Payment status

Below is a summary of corresponding action or information needed for each invoice status.

Settlement (Invoice) Status

Action/Information provided



User creates a new settlement (invoice) from the Settlements (Invoices) screen, selects the relevant deliveries to mark as paid, and then clicks Reconcile.

A delivery that is marked as completed and paid in AgriDigital Onfarm.


User marks a delivery onto a contract as complete from the Deliveries screen.

A delivery that is marked as completed in AgriDigital Onfarm and awaiting to be marked as paid.

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Tags: Invoices - Delivery Payment Status

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