AgriDigital Onfarm allows you to set your own Terms and Conditions to attach in contracts, as it is unique to every organization. Once you have the contents of your terms ready, you will need to set it up in the Settings screen.
To set up terms and conditions:
In the left navigation bar, click Settings and then Contract Terms.
On the upper-right portion of the screen, click Add Contract Term.
In the screen that appears, fill out the Terms and Conditions Name, Other Terms, and Terms and Conditions sections.
Note You can use the formatting tools for Other Terms and Terms and Conditions section to give your organization’s terms and conditions content a visual hierarchy that makes it easier to read.
After completing the terms and conditions, click Create.
Next time you create a new contract, you will see the created terms and conditions as an option in the Terms drop-down menu of the Create new contract screen.
Tags: Settings - Configure - Terms - Create - Add contract terms