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Analyze your crop performance with AgriDigital Insights
Analyze your crop performance with AgriDigital Insights
Updated over a year ago

💡Note: AgriDigital Insights is still under beta testing and is actively worked on by our team. Should you want to give feedback, you can click the Give Feedback widget on the bottom right of any screen in AgriDigital Onfarm.

AgriDigital Insights is a reports dashboard that helps you understand how much grain you produced, how much you’ve sold, how much you’ve left to sell, and how much you still have to deliver onto active contracts.

The dashboard can help you check if your production meets your requirements, identify trends, find out how much grain you have committed, and determine how much grain is readily available for sale.

Some notes to consider when viewing the reports

  • The reports are updated everyday at 4am AEST.

  • Results are based on completed deliveries.

  • Origin of the completed deliveries in the report come from the field/paddock.

  • Only the latest update to a delivery is considered (e.g., if a delivery was previously updated for change in variety/quantity, only the latest update will be included in the report computation)

Understanding the reports

You can access a range of reports by clicking the corresponding link in the navigation bar.

Each report displays dashboard views as shown below.

Yield Report

See your yield per commodity, farm, field/paddock, and variety.

Position Report

Know exactly how much you’ve sold, have left to sell, and amount remaining to deliver onto active contracts.

Yield by Commodity

A summary of all commodities that you produced across all your farms and fields/paddocks.

Yield by Variety

A summary of all commodity varieties that you produced across all your farms.

Yield by Farm

A summary of the production of all your farms, per commodity.

Yield by Field/Paddock

A summary of the production of all your fields/paddocks.

Position by Commodity

A summary of all commodities that you contracted, currently have, and net position across all your farms and fields/paddocks.

Position by Grade

A summary of all commodity grades that you contracted, currently have, and net position across all your farms.

Position by Location

A summary of all commodities that you contracted, currently have, and net position per location.

Dashboard views are displayed in both visual and tabular form.

You can hover over a bar in the graph to see more information or refer to the table.


Apply a filter to the reports

You can use filters to reduce the number of items displayed to just the data you want to see. For example, if you wanted to focus on the yield of vetch per farm, field/paddock, or variety, then we need to set vetch as a filter.

Click on a bar in the graph, or a blue link in the table to filter by that commodity, farm, field/paddock, or company.

Here, we clicked on the vetch bar in the graph, and so it focused on vetch in all the dashboard views.

Alternatively, you can indicate your desired filter in the corresponding box at the top of the screen.

To remove filters, click the X icon beside the applied filter.


When using the Filter pane above

For Farm and Paddock, text is case-sensitive.

  • For Commodity and Season, you can also select the preferred filter from the drop-down list that appears. You can select multiple filters. To apply the selections, click Update filter.

Sort the report

You can sort any report in tabular form so you can analyze data easily.

Sort any column by clicking its column name. Each time you sort a column, AgriDigital Insights toggles between ascending and descending order.

In this example, we clicked on the Production column name.


Download the report

To analyze a report in a dedicated-tool or other third-party apps, you can export a full report as a comma-separated values (.csv) file, or Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx).

Hover your mouse over any dashboard report and then click the Download icon that appears. Select the file type that you want to download, and if prompted by a browser dialog, choose to save the file.

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