An inactive organisation is an organisation that has ceased operating under the ABN, Business Name and Legal Name.
This banner will appear in platform on an organisation's account, where they have ceased operating.
How was the organisation made inactive?
The AgriDigital team update organisations to an inactive state when advised by a company representative, through NGR integration or ABN Register. This is done monthly and aims to ensure that all organisations in the AgriDigital Platform are kept up to date to ensure you aren't transacting with an organisation that has ceased trading.
What can you do in an inactive organisation?
A team member of an inactive organisation can still access the account to view historic artefacts. The organisation can also add and remove team members to this account to allow or prevent access to this information. However, creating, editing, or completing artefacts in this account will be prevented.
💡All existing connections are removed from inactive organisations and you will not be able to form new connections with these types of organisations.