Navigation: Transaction > Consignments
AgriDigital Consignments enable simple, easy and centralised management of the agri-commodity exporting and import process including international contracting, document creation, management and distribution, container & logistics management, inventory tracking, asset delivery, invoicing and payments.
The common export/import documents that AgriDigital support as standard documents that are created and populated by the platform include:
Packing list
Packing list (net weight)
Packing instruction
Packing declaration certificate
Export compliance record
Fumigation certificate
Fumigation certificate (Methyl Bromide)
Certificate of weight
Beneficiary certificate
Health certificate
Chemical residue certificate
Quality certificate
Non-GMO Certificate
Forward instruction
Shipment notification certificate
Shipment advice
Insurance confirmation
Plus any others customers request
AgriDigital also supports to central management of the following documents that are created by external providers:
Booking confirmation+
Certificate of origin
Import permit
Pre-receival advice (PRA)
Container approval record
Request for permit (RFP)
Phytosanitary certificate
Fumigation certificate (external)
Bill of lading
Plus any others customers request
To see how AgriDigital Consignments works, check out the first article in the process: What to do before starting a new Consignment