After creating your Consignment Contract(s) and Order(s) you are then able to generate your Consignment.
To create a new Consignment, follow the few steps below:
1. Select the Consignment counterparty - This must match the counterparty on the Contract(s) and Order(s) you have created.
π‘Note: Consignees can be added later via the Add Additional Data form)
2. Select the Contract type - Sale (export), Purchase (import)
3. Select the Order number - One or more Orders can make up a Consignment; to create a multi-order/(multi-contract) consignment, Contracts must have identical information relating to:
Contract counterparties
Contract type
Price basis
All locations
Delivery window dates
4. Document selection (internal and external) -
Internal - Select the documents you wish to generate within AgriDigital for the specific Consignment (this is where the multi-contract capacity can be utilised).
External - Select the documents you will receive from external parties for tracking purposes.
Next Article: Consignment details screen