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All CollectionsStorage ModuleDeliveries
Delivery status definitions
Delivery status definitions
Updated over a week ago

Relevant to: All users
Navigation: Transaction & Storage >Deliveries

When viewing your list of deliveries, you will see a coloured symbol next to each individual delivery.

This symbol represents that particular deliveries' status.

In progress (yellow)
A yellow dot indicates that your delivery is in the process of being created. This simply means that the delivery form is being filled out, but has not yet been completed.

Warehoused (blue)
A blue dot indicates that your delivery form has been completed and your delivery is now stored in the warehouse. This means that the delivery is ready to be transferred/allocated to its respective contract.
For more information on how to transfer deliveries to their contracts, click here

Transferred (green)
Once the delivery has been transferred to its respective contract, the delivery status icon will turn green to indicate that the transfer was successful.

Cancelled (red)
If the delivery is cancelled, its corresponding symbol will turn red.

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