Understanding your Deliveries
The Deliveries screen arranges your Deliveries from newest to oldest based on creation date.
You will able to see the following information on your 'System Default' view as follows:
Delivery Status
Delivery Date
Delivery Number
Vehicle Registration
Delivery Type
Primary Grade
Buyer Name
Transfer Number
Printing a Delivery to PDF
To print a copy of a Delivery to PDF, please follow the steps below:
Select your Delivery from the Delivery list screen and open to show the Delivery details;
βClick on the PDF button to 'Generate PDF';
βYou will then see a Print screen. Ensure the Destination = 'πSave to PDF' or similar. Once all other Settings information are confirmed, you can click on the 'Save' button at the bottom of the screen;
βA window will appear on your computer, for you to save this PDF to a folder and you will also be able to update the 'File name' if you wish. Once you have clicked 'Save' on this window, your PDF will be saved to this location and ready to use.
Splitting your Deliveries
When you are transferring warehoused Deliveries to buyers, you have the ability to split warehouse Deliveries to specific quantities to satisfy a Contract.
Click the green 'New Transfer' button;
βFill in the form with Commodity, Season, Buyer and Reference Number so that the relevant Deliveries will be displayed.
βSelect the tick-box next to the Delivery you wish to transfer either all or part of, and enter the desired quantity in the "selected" column.
βClick the 'Transfer Deliveries' button. Here you will be able to view two Deliveries in the Deliveries list. One will be '- A' and the other '- B'. The '- A' ticket will hold the desired quantity and a will have a green status 'transferred' while the '- B' ticket will hold the remaining Delivery quantity and a blue status 'warehoused'.
If you wish to transfer an additional amount from another Delivery you can do so by repeating the steps above.
π‘Note: there is a maximum of 20 Deliveries per transfer, these must be whole tickets. If transferring partial tonnes on a ticket, this must be processed separately.
Warehoused Deliveries & Contracts
If your Contract has been created within the AgriDigital platform you can transfer a warehoused delivery via the Contract screen, found here.
If your Contract was created outside the AgriDigital platform, you will need to this via the Deliveries screen.
Click the green 'New Transfer' button.
βFill in the form with Commodity, Season, Buyer and Reference Number so that the relevant Deliveries will be displayed.
ββSelect the tick-box next to the delivery you wish to transfer.