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Invoices for Growers

View and perform actions on your invoices

Updated over a month ago

Accessing & Viewing Invoices

To view your Invoices / RCTI's, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on 'Invoices' in the navigation panel;

  2. Click on the Invoice you wish to view, this will then open up the Invoice details;


3. You are now able to view related Contracts and Deliveries associated to this Invoice.


πŸ’‘Note: If your Invoice / RCTI has any incorrect information, we urge you to reach out the the issuing counterparty directly to have this amended.
​Grower account details are linked to NGR, so ensure these details are kept current to avoid any issues.

Printing an Invoice/RCTI to PDF

To print a copy of an Invoice/RCTI to PDF, please follow the steps below:

  1. Select your Invoice from the list screen and open to show the Invoice details;

  2. Click on the PDF button to 'Generate PDF';

  3. You will then see a Print screen. Ensure the Destination = 'πŸ“„Save to PDF' or similar. Once all other Settings information are confirmed, you can click on the 'Save' button at the bottom of the screen;

  4. A window will appear on your computer, for you to save this PDF to a folder and you will also be able to update the 'File name' if you wish.
    Once you have clicked 'Save' on this window, your PDF will be saved to this location and ready to use.

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