You can revert a completed contract’s status back to In Progress or Open when you need to:
Create any additional deliveries onto the contract
Update any completed deliveries on the contract
To revert a contract to its previous status:
In the left navigation bar, click Contracts.
Click the contract item that you want to revert.
On the upper-right portion of the screen, click the Options icon, and then select Revert to In Progress or Revert to Open (the available option depends on the contract’s previous status before completion).
In the dialog box that appears, click Yes.
After reverting a completed contract to its previous status, the contract will show as In Progress or Open, and will be able to accept any updates to deliveries linked to it.
A contract showing In Progress status.
The delivery form showing a contract with Open or In Progress status, ready to be delivered onto.
Note If there are already deliveries linked to a contract after reverting, the status will be In Progress. Otherwise, the contract will revert back to an Open status (see Contract Status explained).
Keywords: Undo, Reverse, Revert, Change status of a completed contract