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Contract Status explained
Updated over a year ago

What does your contract status mean?

When viewing your list of contracts, you will see colored markers for each row. These indicators help you know the status of your contracts, without checking each one individually.

Updating of contract status

AgriDigital Onfarm automatically updates a contract’s status based on the action performed to it.

Note Once a contract is ready for completion, you need to manually mark it as completed (see Complete a contract).

Below is a summary of what each status means:

Contract Status

Action performed


Open (purple)

User created a new contract from the Contracts screen.

A contract is marked Open when it is newly-created and awaiting deliveries.

In Progress (yellow)

User created a new delivery onto the contract.

A contract is automatically updated to In Progress when a delivery is created onto the contract.

Completed (green)

User has fulfilled the contract obligations by delivering the required quantity.

Manually mark a contract as Completed to indicate that all related deliveries are completed and the contract is fulfilled (see Complete a contract).Once a contract is completed, it will not be available when creating a new Delivery. If you made a mistake in completing a contract, you can still revert it back to its previous status (see Revert a contract to its previous status).

Cancelled (red)

User opened the Options icon in the Contract details screen or Contracts list screen, and then selected Cancel Contract.

You can manually mark a contract as Cancelled when you and your counterparty have previously agreed to cancel a particular contract for a specific reason, or when you have made a mistake (see Cancel a contract). Note You cannot cancel contracts that are already marked In Progress or Completed (see Why can’t I cancel a contract).

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