You can spend less time filling-out a delivery form by saving frequently-entered vehicle information, like Driver Name, in Vehicle Profiles (see Add Vehicle Profiles). For times when you need to change the assigned truck driver, consider if the change is temporary or long-term.
Temporary change
If the change in driver assignment is temporary, you can simply type the new driver's name in the corresponding field, without editing your saved vehicle profiles.
Next time you select the same vehicle profile, the driver name will revert back to the original driver.
Long-term change
If you see the change to always be applicable in the future, you can consider editing your saved vehicle profile (see Edit Vehicle Profiles).
Next time you create a delivery, you will see a list of your vehicles as a drop-down suggestion in the Delivery form. Selecting a vehicle automatically fills-in the updated Driver Name, Freight Carrier, and Tare in the Delivery form.