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Getting started: Site Operators
Updated over a week ago

AgriDigital Onboarding – Site Operators

Welcome to AgriDigital!

The AgriDigital platform provides a fully integrated solution for the global grains industry, designed to assist in the transaction and settlement of agriculture commodities and manage supply chain risk. This onboarding pack consists of useful guides, videos and Knowledge Base links on how to set up your account and start using the AgriDigital platform. The following functions and features will be covered in this guide:

  1. Settings

    • Introduction to AgriDigital

    • Accessing your AgriDigital account

    • Account Settings

    • Storage Settings

  2. Connections

    • Organizations and People

  3. Trial Data

  4. Storage Orders

  5. Storage Deliveries

  6. Customizable View

    • Building a Preset

  7. Inventory

    • Inventory details

    • Ownership details

1. Settings

Introduction to AgriDigital

There are 4 modules in your AgriDigital platform:

  • Transactions Module: This section is for Traders and Buyers. Here you can enter contracts, deliveries, manage your inventory, create and process orders, manage prices and generate and view invoices and payments.

  • Storage Module: This section is for Storage Operators. Here you can create Storage Deliveries, manage inventory at your site, create and process Orders and view prices at your site.

  • Connections Module: This is where you manage all the parties you do business with. Add Organizations and People to your platform here, and view all your grower contacts synced through NGR.

  • Settings Module: Here you set up your AgriDigital account, managing the reference data that allows you to operate your business. Details on this are below.

The AgriDigital Knowledge Base is a collection of educational articles that provide step-by-step guides of features and processes for the platform. You can connect to the Knowledge Base using the blue HELP button in the bottom right of your platform. If your questions or concerns cannot be solved using the Knowledge Base, you can also contact the Support team through the HELP button and we will be happy to assist.

Accessing your AgriDigital account

To login to your AgriDigital account, find the “Log in” button in the top right-hand corner of the AgriDigital homepage or by clicking the link

If you haven't logged in before or if you wish to reset your password, follow the steps below.

  1. Click "Don’t remember your password"

  2. Enter your email address and click the green arrow – you will then be sent an email, containing a reset-password link, to the email address you entered

  3. View the email in your inbox and click the contained link to see directions on how to reset your password

Remember to save your login credentials in your web browser and keep your AgriDigital account as a bookmark for easy access.

💡Note: We recommend using Chrome for the best experience of AgriDigital, however it does work on all other browsers effectively.

Account Settings

Once you have logged in, you can find the Settings module on the bottom left side of the modules list.

Settings > Account > Account/Company

Your account information will be set up with your name and email address but you may need to add your address details to complete this page, these can be saved using the green ‘Update’ button.

Company details can be added and edited in a similar way including generic company email, address, website, contact details and company logo. The trading name, address, and logo you enter here will appear on related company documents including Contracts, Orders and Deliveries.

Settings > Account > Bank Accounts

Add and edit as many bank accounts as you need. To do this enter your bank account details including the currency. When creating Contracts of a particular currency, you must ensure that currency is supported by its own bank account with your Settings. If it is your primary account that you’ll use for the majority of your Contracts then you can “set as default” by ticking this box.

Settings > Account > File Upload

The Delivery file upload tab allows for bulk importing of deliveries from 3rd parties. AgriDigital has the standardized template of the five largest bulk handlers as well as an AgriDigital format. Details on the file upload can be found here.

Settings > Account > Team Members

Now you can start to invite team members to the platform, you can add as many as you would like. Simply hit “New Team Member” button, entering their name, email and role. By “Creating Team Member” the user will be sent an email invitation to the AgriDigital platform. The email you enter will be used to invite the user to create their own AgriDigital account (enter email address).


Settings > Account > Notifications

Notifications are available for all team members, meaning they receive alerts for all information relevant to them. The feature determines what you are notified of (e.g. a transaction delivery, order, price) the trigger event determines when you want to be notified (e.g. when the feature is created, edited, or cancelled) and the frequency determines how you want to be notified (e.g. real time, hourly, daily). This can be set up at any time. Details on creating these notifications can be found in the KB article beneath this video.


Settings > Account > Trial Data

Trial Data is a training tool for you and your team to test out the AgriDigital features including creating Contracts, Deliveries and Orders. We will use trial data in the upcoming videos when we demonstrate the creation of documents. For details on the restrictions of Trial Data see the Knowledge Base article here.


What do the various user roles mean?

Details on available roles can be found at the bottom of the KB article here. Note that Administrators are the only users who are able to add and remove team members and create custom notifications.

Storage Settings

This section covers how to set up your storage sites correctly for your operation, including the creation of bin segregations and unload points.

Settings > Storage > Bin Segregations/Unload Points

You can add new bin Segregations at your various storage sites. You will see your sites in the ‘location’ field as they are already set up. Add the Name of your bin seg, location, storage type, capacity, commodity and grade. You can link your unload points here too & save your new bin segregations.

For Unload Points, simply add new unload points, entering a name and location to create. These can be deleted when no longer in use. These unload points will appear as options on your Storage Deliveries screen as you complete deliveries.


Settings > Storage > Customers (NGR Integration)

The Customers tab can be found both here in Storage section and Transactions settings as well. AgriDigital integrates with NGR, the National Growers Registry, to populate your AgriDigital accounts with all your NGR contacts. To sync your NGR contacts:

  1. Simply add your Customer ID and Password details to link your NGR account.

  2. Press the Sync NGR records button and this automatically links all your grower contacts to the Connections module within AgriDigital. You will find your grower partnerships in “organisations” and the grower contacts in “people”.

  3. When you have new growers to add, or changes to their details need to be made, this needs to be done in your NGR account, then you will be able to re-sync within AgriDigital.



How does NGR work within AgriDigital?

NGR (the National Growers Registry) is automatically integrated with AgriDigital, with a direct API connection. Take a look at our KB articles on NGR for more details (

If you have any questions regarding how to manage your NGR account, contact them on 1800 556 630.

2. Connections

Organizations and People

The Connections module is your platform Customer Management System. Here you manage all the parties you do business with including buyers, suppliers and growers. This is split up into Organisations and People for companies and company contacts.

Take a look at the video below to see how to add new Organizations to your Connections module:


For more details on how to add Organizations please see the Knowledge Base article here.

For growers, this is linked directly to National Growers Registry (NGR) and any additional growers or changes will need to be made directly into NGR and then you can re-sync Customers within your Settings module.

3. Trial Data

Trial Data is a feature that allows all AgriDigital users to test scenarios and familiarize themselves with the platform. You can fully explore the platform's processes without any inference with your existing or future data. Trial data will be integrated throughout the entire platform including orders, deliveries, invoices, and payments so you can experience a the real flow of data within the platform.

To use Trial Data as a Site Operator, you can create inventory and warehouse deliveries by selecting the Supplier as Test Buyer Account or Test Grower Account.

Removing Trial Data

Delete trial data through the Settings > Account > Trial Data feature. Select the red "Remove Trial Data" button and all trial entries will be removed. All real data will not be impacted and a user can continue to create new trial data at any time.

4. Storage Orders

Site Operator Orders direct the movement of commodities between an origin bin and a destination bin. This allows you to record and track your on-site movements, while also having the ability to provide .

For a step-by-step guide on how to create a storage order, please refer to the Knowledge Base article here.

5. Storage Deliveries

As a Storage Operator you can manage all your Deliveries to and from your site(s). There are 5 types of storage deliveries, it is recommended you familiarize yourself with these definitions to ensure the correct type is selected. Please read the definitions in the link below.

For example, the steps below outline site operators can create a delivery when a grower delivers onto a cash price at the weighbridge.

  1. Navigate to the Deliveries feature of the Storage module on the Navigation panel

  2. Click the green "New delivery" button in the top right-hand corner

  3. Set type to "Grower Receival (Cash)"

  4. In the "Commodity" details section, select a commodity grade

  5. Click on the drop-down menu in the "Cash Price" field to choose from available cash prices.

The video below demonstrates this Delivery creation process with all fields entered except weights. When saved, the Delivery status is 'In Progress' and can be updated when required.


The Update Delivery processed is shown in the video below, updating the Delivery status to 'Complete' as all mandatory fields are compete include weight details.


6. Customizable View

Building a preset

The customizable view function allows you to filter and arrange the various fields of your documents and save this view as a ‘preset’. This can be particularly valuable for doing tasks such as reviewing all ‘in progress’ delivery tickets from the day and ensure all those that can be completed are easily identifiable.


For a step-by-step process on how to create your own preset and more guides on this feature, please refer to the article here.

7. Inventory

Inventory Details

The Storage Inventory Details screen can be viewed when clicking on any individual location/bin in Storage > Inventory.


There are three primary sections to this screen:

1) Inventory Movements

The Inventory Movements section shows a list of the inventory movements that have gone in or out of the bin, with the most recent movement at the top.

2) Quality History

The History section includes the current value for each of the bin's quality metrics (calculated using a weighted average), along with a corresponding sparkline that displays each metrics fluctuations over time (shown below). Variance of the latest movement is also shown below each metric value.

3) Details

The Details section shows a gauge chart of the current state of the bin relative to its min and max values, displaying:

  1. Total metric tons in a bin

  2. The percentage of the total capacity taken up by the current quantity (see notes)

  3. Total capacity of the bin (see notes)

  4. The bin's location

  5. The bin's commodity

  6. The bin's primary grade

Ownership Details

The Storage Ownership Dashboard can be viewed when clicking on any individual ownership in Storage > Inventory. There are three primary sections to this screen:

1) Inventory Movements

This section shows the inventory movements for the owner of the stock. The movement quantities are shown by green and red arrows for a clear audit trail.

2) History

The History chart in this section shows the quantity changes due to Inventory Movements over time at your site.

3) Details

The details gauge chart provides a quick oversight of the current quantity (by location, grade and season) owned by the selected counterparty.

The quantity displayed is relative to the maximum and minimum quantity over the time period loaded on the screen. You can extend this time period by selected “load more” at the bottom of the Inventory Movements screen.

Congratulations, you have now completed the initial education guide for AgriDigital Site Operators.

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