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Viewing a Delivery (Buyer)
Updated over a week ago

Relevant to: Buyers

Navigation tree: Transactions > Deliveries

Buyers will be able to see a Delivery in cases where they have received a Delivery, for instance, onto an existing Contract they have with a grower, as the counterparty, where a Delivery was made into their Inventory, and where they have made a Delivery (e.g. a sale to another buyer through a Contract).

To view a Delivery, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on the Deliveries feature of the Transactions module in the navigation panel;

  2. Now that you're on the Deliveries page, you will see a list of Deliveries that are arranged in date order (newest at the top of the page, and oldest at the bottom).

    In addition to the date that the Delivery was created, you should also see the following:

    • Delivery number

    • Counterparty

    • Registration

    • Type

    • Location

    • Grade

    • Quantity

    • Delivery status (please see Delivery status definitions for more information)

  3. Click on the the Delivery you wish to view, this will then open a digital copy of the Delivery ticket with all the information. You will also be able to PDF and Print this ticket, if required.

Please note that users on a mobile/tablet will only see the delivery date, number, and counterparty when viewing their list of Deliveries.

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