How to cancel an order
Updated over a week ago

Relevant to: Buyers

Navigation Tree: Transactions > Orders

A user can cancel an Order if no deliveries have been assigned to that order, the delivery end date has not been passed, and the user created the order. These orders will be shown in blue and labelled as ''Awaiting Deliveries''. "In Progress" orders cannot be cancelled; however, a user can reverse the deliveries under certain situations and return the order to "Awaiting Deliveries".

To make sure a delivery is not associated with the order, you will need to either deselect the order when updating the delivery, or delete the delivery.

To cancel orders with an "Awaiting Deliveries" status, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Order feature within the Transactions module and select the desired Order to view the detailed Order form.

  2. Click the options drop-down button, on the top right corner of the page, and select "Cancel Order". The Order will now be shown in the list screen with status "cancelled" (red).

~If the delivery end date has been passed, see this article on unfulfilled orders~

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