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Using the Cash Price File Upload Template
Using the Cash Price File Upload Template
Updated over a week ago

AgriDigital Cash Price File Upload Template

Complete the file template below, referring to the guidance document to ensure your file is uploaded successfully.

  • AgriDitial Cash Price File Upload Template
    This template is specific to Buyer users. It includes example data.

    To use this template, please delete the data but keep the column headings (i.e keep row 1).

  • AgriDigital Cash Price Upload Guidance Document
    AgriDigital has created a data structure in the template file to allow a smooth upload of cash prices into our system.

    The data structure is identified in this document with descriptions for each column.

​💡Note: Ensure your file is saved as a (.csv) any errors will block the entire file from being uploaded, please ensure data is correct and there are no duplicate entries prior to uploading.

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