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Weights and Mechanical Shrink
Updated over a year ago

Mechanical shrink

When grains are harvested wet, they are dried before being stored in order to avoid spoilage in storage. This causes the weight to “shrink” during the drying process.

To know the grain’s net (dry) weight without having to wait until it becomes dry, you’ll need to consider its gross (wet) weight, moisture level, and then apply appropriate mechanical shrink rates.

When applicable, AgriDigital Onfarm helps you to estimate the net (dry) quantity based on the moisture level and gross (wet) weight you enter, along with a generic shrink rate built inside AgriDigital Onfarm for the given commodity*.

*When calculating moisture shrink, AgriDigital Onfarm always assumes the following:

  • Corn will be dried down to 15.5% moisture

  • Wheat will be dried down to 13.5 % moisture

  • Rice and Soybeans will be dried down to 13% moisture

Note When delivering grain to a buyer, their specific shrink rate might not match the generic shrink rate built inside AgriDigital Onfarm. This could cause a slight difference in the number of dry bushes calculated versus the number that will be on the scale ticket. Because of this, the shrunk/dry quantity in AgriDigital Onfarm can easily be overridden if necessary.

For reference, here’s a list of terms about Weight that you will see across AgriDigital Onfarm.


The total weight of a vehicle and its freight, fuel, passengers, etc. This is captured on the weighbridge by measuring a full truck.


The weight of an empty vehicle, truck, or container. This is captured on the weighbridge by measuring an empty truck.


The weight of the grain carried. This is captured by subtracting the tare weight from the gross weight.

Gross (Wet) Qty

The weight of the grain before it has been dried (or had a drying rate applied). If the grain is harvested dry then the Gross (Wet) Qty and Net (Dry) Qty will be equal.

Net (Dry) Qty

The weight of the grain after it has been dried (or had a drying rate applied). If the grain is harvested dry then the Gross (Wet) Qty and Net (Dry) Qty will be equal.

Note Although the shrunk/net (dry) quantity is automatically calculated, you can override its value as necessary.

See also:

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