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Vehicle Profiles
Updated over 3 months ago

The Vehicle details section on the storage delivery form is made up of the Vehicle information (Vehicle Id, Vehicle Registration State, Registration status as well as the PBS approval, PBS number and Mass accreditation) and the Vehicle Profile (Vehicle Type, Driver Name, Driver Phone, Freight Carrier and any manually added references).

A Vehicle profile is specific to your organisations and is created at the same time as a delivery. The vehicle profile helps reduce manual entry of the Vehicle Type, Driver Name, Driver Phone, Freight Carrier and any manually added references for trucks that regularly use your site.

After you have searched the Vehicle ID and selected a vehicle, a secondary search of the Vehicle profiles is done and if a vehicle profile exists for the vehicle you've selected the latest created profile will display for you to select. When the profile is selected the details will auto-populate relevant fields on the storage delivery form.

In instances where the profile details differ you can either select an existing profile and update the details or ignore the profile and manually enter the details into the delivery form. Once the delivery is create these entered details will be saved and a new profile created for next use.

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