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Dynamic Search Feature
Updated over a year ago

Relevant to: All Users

Navigation Tree: All list screens

AgriDigital dynamic search functionality enables you to quickly identify and locate desired metrics and entries.

A) Scope:

  • All rows/columns that are on the list view screen will be scoured by the search engine. This includes all rows/columns that can not be seen on a computer monitor due to pagination and right scrolling. However, entries that are excluded due to filtering or list screen customisation will not be searched.

  • Modify the breadth of your search by adjusting the customised view and filters.

B) Search Method:

  • The search engine ranks results based on relevance. The most relevant results will appear at the top of the list view. For example, if a user were to search "Melbourne" in the Contracts list screen, entries with Melbourne or Melbourne Port as the location will both appear but Melbourne locations will appear at the top of the list.

Top tips for searching by feature type:


  • You can search by prefix not suffix e.g. Searching “Mel” will show results for Melbourne but searching “bourne” will not.

  • When searching for terms with multiple words, you can search any word in the phrase e.g. to search results for “CIF Port Buyer”, you can search “Port” and results will show

  • The more characters you enter the more narrow the results scope

  • You can also search your documents by status. Even though we display the status of documents with colour dots, you can type in the search box whatever status you want (e.g. In Progress) and the system will show all your In Progress Deliveries

  • Misspelt words will not appear in the search e.g. Searching “Mebl” will not show results for Melbourne


  • Document numbers e.g. C001234

  • Quantities

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