Attached is a sample file that can be used as a guide detailing data that can be extracted from AgriDigital in order to invoice your Storage & Handling fees to your customers. A step by step procedure to attain this data is out-lined below. Once you have the data collated for the relevant storage period, you can create invoices in your accounting system.
1. Export Ownership/Inventory Data
At the close of business on the last day of each calendar month* go to Storage > Inventory > Ownership > Export. This exported data details the ownership at that point in time and will form the basis for monthly Storage Fees to be invoiced.
This Data file creates the first tab as per the sample file attached
*Note: If storage fees are charged on a different frequency e.g. weekly, then this regularity of the data export will need to be adjusted accordingly.
2. Storage Fees
If storage fees per commodity are the same, the data can be aggregated via a pivot table* to consolidate the quantities per customer to simplify invoicing (refer to Tab 2 , column A and B in sample file attached to view a Pivot Table)
In the event storage fees are calculated off grade or some other measure you can aggregate using this identifier instead.
*Pivot tables aggregate data in 1 or more columns of a spreadsheet. For guidance on this please contact our support team via [email protected].
3. Receival Fees
1. Go to Storage > Deliveries. When the list screen is showing System Default view, click on Customise View and filter the Transfer Date* (as below) you want to report on, then filter Type (as below) and choose Receival (Cash), Receival (Contract), Receival (Order), Receival (Inventory), Receival (Warehouse). Then check Save as new preset, call it Receival fee invoicing > Personal > Trial data excluded > Save.
2. Once you have achieved point 1 above, you can export the data from the new list screen and this will form the basis for monthly Receival Fees to be invoiced. Refer to tab 3 in the sample file attached to see an example of this data and what formula to use to calculate your receival fees.
*Please note that the Date range in the preset will need to be updated each reporting period
4. Out-Turn Fees
1. Go to Storage > Deliveries. When the list screen is showing System Default view, click on Customise View and filter the Date* (as below) you want to report on, then filter Type (as below) and choose Out-turn (Contract), Out-turn (Inventory), Out-turn (Order). Then check Save as new preset, call it Out-turn fee invoicing > Personal > Trial data excluded > Save.
2. Once you have achieved point 1 above, you can export the data from the new list screen and this will form the basis for monthly Out-turn Fees to be invoiced. Refer to tab 4 in the sample file attached to see an example of this data and what formula to use to calculate your out-turn fees.
*Please note that the Date range in the preset will need to be updated each reporting period
Having trouble customising view? Click here for Knowledge Base articles outlining List Screen Details.