Relevant to: All users
Navigation Tree: N/A
The purpose of a restricted user?
A restricted user is simply a view-only user. The purpose of this user type is to ensure the complete integrity of a company's transactions and proprietary information.
What access does a restricted user have?
Restricted users will only be able to see the contracts, orders, deliveries, invoices, etc. associated with contracts that this user has been assigned to as a counterparty contact.
Restricted users will only be able to print these documents and will not be able to edit or create
The only information a user can edit is their own personal information.
What does a restricted user not have access to?
Restricted users can not view/edit/create any contracts, orders, deliveries, invoices, etc. that they have not been assigned to as the counterparty contact.
Also, this user type cannot view/edit/create any feature of their company's Connections or Settings module.
Read here for more information on how to update team member roles.