Relevant to: Buyers
Navigation Tree: Transactions > Invoices
Buyers can cancel a tax invoice if the status field is marked as 'Unpaid' (blue) or 'Overdue' (orange) and if the user was the creator of the invoice. Once you have cancelled your Invoice, you can make any changes to Contract or Delivery details and reissue the Invoice to the counterparty.
To cancel your Invoice, follow these steps:
Navigate to the Invoices feature within the Transactions module and select the desired invoice you need to cancel.
Click the options drop-down button, on the top right corner of the screen, and select "cancel invoice". The invoice will be clearly marked as 'Cancelled' (red) status and will remain viewable in the list screen by both parties to the invoice.
Note: For information on cancelling RCTIs, see how to cancel an RCTI.
Example: Cancel Invoice Option