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How to cancel an RCTI
Updated over 7 months ago

Buyers can cancel an RCTI if the status field is marked as 'Unpaid' (purple) and the user was the creator the invoice.
Once you have cancelled your RCTI, you can make any changes to Contract or Delivery details and re-generate a Payment and RCTI/s.

To cancel your RCTI, you will need to cancel or discard the relevant payment.
​To do this, you will need to follow the steps in this article.

In short, you will need to:

  1. Navigate to the Payments feature and select the relevant payment;

  2. Select 'Cancel payment' from the options menu.
    This will automatically cancel all RCTIs associated with that payment, updating the RCTI status to 'Cancelled' status.

Only RCTIs that have not been 'Processed' (equivalent to mark as paid) can be cancelled.

πŸ’‘Note: For information on cancelling Tax Invoices, see how to cancel a tax invoice.

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