Storage deductions
Updated over a week ago

For warehoused grain into receival sites/ports, that use the AgriDigital Storage module to manage the site, storage fees may be incurred and deducted from the sale of those deliveries.

The storage fee logic implemented by AgriDigital is based upon that specific storage providers 'storage and handling agreements' with the suppliers.

Storage fees are incurred by any grain that is currently 'warehoused' at 12:00:01 am on the date specified, at the rate specified, that matches the parameters specified on the storage and handling agreement.

For Example:

A site has a storage fee schedule that storage will be incurred on warehoused wheat every month from the 1st March 2017 at a rate of $1.50 per mt.

A delivery was made into that site on the 15th December 2016 into warehouse. This delivery was then transferred onto a contract on the 28th February. This delivery will not have incurred any storage.

Another delivery was made into that site on the 15th December 2016 into warehouse. This delivery was then transferred onto a contract on the 1st March. This delivery will incur a $1.50 storage fee.

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