To be able to transact with an Organisation in AgriDigital, they must be in your Connections list.
Once in your list, you will have the option to select this Organisation as a counterparty or supplier in all applicable forms.
To get started, navigate to the Organisations tab and select the 'Connect to an Organization' button in the top right-hand corner.
The next steps will depend on the type of the company being searched, these 3 types are outlined below:
If the Organisation is already in the AgriDigital database and you have a Connection.
Here you will search the company name e.g. GrainCorp, select it and proceed to 'View profile' as you already have a relationship with that Organisation.
If the Organisation is already in the AgriDigital database and you do not have a Connection with it.
1. Search the Organisation name and select the result that matches the company you want to add (ensuring correct spelling is used);
2. As the Organisation is already in the AgriDigital database you will be asked "to connect with the Organisation, hit "Next" and add a contact";
3. Enter the contact user information including name and email.
💡Note: the contact will be invited to the platform by email notification and will receive notifications for any Contracts, Deliveries, Invoices etc you create.
If the Organisation is not in the AgriDigital database.
1. Search the Organisation name in the search bar (ensure it matches their legal trading name);
2. Click on the '➕' to 'Create new organization instead' which will allow you to enter the company details in the form.
3. Enter all company details including name, address, country, ABN and email, then select "Next";
4. You will also be required to add a Contact for this Organisation, including name and email.
5. Click the Submit button at the bottom to save the Organisation and add them to Connections.
💡Note: the contact will be invited to the platform by email notification and will
receive notifications for any Contracts, Deliveries, Invoices etc you create.