Once a delivery has physically reached its destination and all required delivery information is collected, you have to manually mark it as Completed in AgriDigital Onfarm.
The following actions will happen when you complete a delivery:
Receipts/Issues generated
Inventory is updated
Title transfers are generated (if delivery is onto a contract)
Note You can only complete deliveries that have all required fields filled-out.
To complete a delivery:
On your desktop
In the left navigation bar, click Deliveries.
Click the delivery item that you want to mark as completed.
Tip You can filter the displayed delivery items according to status by expanding the Filter pane on the right edge of the page (see Filter deliveries).
Make sure all information is correct and that the delivery is ready to be marked completed.
Click Complete.
I can’t complete a delivery. What should I do?
A delivery can only be marked completed if all required fields have information provided.
Review the delivery form and see if it has missing information.
On your mobile
Go to the Deliveries screen and tap the delivery item that you want to mark as completed.
Make sure all information is correct and that the delivery is ready to be completed. At the bottom of the delivery details screen, tap the Options button and then select Edit.
If the delivery is ready, click Complete.
I can’t complete a delivery. What should I do?
A delivery can only be marked completed if all required fields have information provided.
Review the delivery form and see if it has missing information.
Tags: Delivery - Details - Edit - Complete a delivery