Relevant to: Buyers & Storage Operators
Navigation Tree: Transactions > Prices > New Price
When posting a cash price in AgriDigital, there are a few restrictions in place meaning buyers can only post prices to a location where they have a connection with that site operator (SO). This prevents deliveries and contracts being created between buyers and SO who don't have a Storage & Handling agreement.
These restrictions are explained below:
1. Navigate to the New Price form
2. Enter Commodity and Season as usual
3. Search for the Location you wish to post your price. The search results will show all AgriDigital Locations owned by SO's with whom you have a connection and all non-AgriDigital Locations.
4. If the Location you require is not displayed then please contact the SO in question to confirm their relationship with the counterparty (in AgriDigital). The SO will need to add the counterparty to their Connections module.